In 2018, Insectta made history by being the first insect company established in Singapore, evolving into the first company in the world to develop a proprietary process to extract chitosan and melanin from the black soldier fly. We're pioneers, trailblazers, and can't wait to continue breaking ground.
Insectta commissions our first pilot facility dedicated to the extraction of chitosan and melanin from the black soldier fly in Singapore. Even at pilot scale we produce 200x times more melanin than industry offerings.
The pilot facility marks our transition from proof-of-concept lab-scale R&D to our proof-of-value phase.
The pilot optimises our extraction technology for industrialisation and opens up opportunity for strategic collaboration.

Insectta wraps up our 2nd fundraising round and establishes our proprietary insect chitosan and melanin extraction process on lab scale at A*STAR Singapore.
We clinch the StartUp SG (POV) Grant from Enterprise Singapore for $500,000 to begin our pilot scale production.
Patents for our proprietary process are filed and we mark our 100th international media feature.
Insectta begins to validate our black soldier fly chitosan and melanin in the market by sending our samples and working with industry partners in cosmetics, personal wellness and organic electronics.
We kickstart our 2nd collaboration with A*STAR to optimise our extraction process.
We are awarded the inaugural Food Resource Valorisation Award presented by the National Environmental Agency Singapore.
We establish strategic partnerships with regional black soldier fly farms to sourcing insect raw materials for our supply chain.

Insectta closes our seed funding round with Trendlines Agrifood Fund
We embark on our first collaboration with A*STAR Singapore, to explore the feasibility of our proprietary insect biomaterial extraction process - and conclude it with amazing results on the same year.
Insectta begins our pivot to biomaterials after realising the potential waiting to be unlocked within our insects.
We first set our sights on black soldier fly chitosan, with melanin following soon after.
Our first outreach projects begin - with the aim of mainstreaming insect science and technologies in Singapore and beyond.

Insectta is founded as the first insect company in Singapore - we help lay the foundation for the insect industry in our urbanised nation, working closely with regulators to help this industry thrive.
Our first black soldier fly farm is opened in the residential neighbourhood of Queenstown, to huge local and international interest
We start our journey offering animal feed and fertiliser to local farms, furthering the nation's bid for a circular economy and increased focus on agrotechnologies.